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Debt Snowball Method: A Powerful Strategy for Paying Off Debt

Living in the Great White North, Canadians are no strangers to snow. But what if we told you that there’s a different kind of snowball effect that can help you conquer your financial woes? We’re talking about the Debt Snowball Method, one method and motivating approach to paying off debt. But what is it, how it can help you regain control of your finances, and why it might be the right choice for you? 

What is the Debt Snowball Method?

The debt snowball method is a debt repayment strategy made popular by financial guru Dave Ramsey. Unlike other debt reduction methods, the debt snowball focuses on psychology as much as math. The key idea is to pay off your debts in a specific order, starting with the smallest balance and working your way up to the largest—regardless of the interest rates. 

After you knock out one debt, you take the cash you were throwing at your tiniest debt and shift it to the next smallest one, creating a snowball effect for your repayments. You keep doing this dance until you’ve booted all your debt to the curb.

How does the Debt Snowball Method work? 

When it comes to the snowball method, you may be wondering where to start. Here’s how: 

1. List your debts

Start by making a list of all your debts. This could include credit card balances, personal loans, student loans, or any other amount you owe. Include the total and the minimum monthly payment for each.

2. Organize from smallest to largest

Sort your debts from smallest to largest, based on how much you owe for each. 

3. Minimum payments on all

Continue making the minimum payments on all your debts. You don’t want any late fees piling up like snowdrifts.

4. Extra payments on the smallest debt

Here’s the magic part – start throwing extra money at your smallest debt while making minimum payments on the rest. It’s like adding extra snow to your smallest snowball, making it grow faster. 

5. Celebrate small wins

When you’ve paid off that smallest debt, it’s time to celebrate! You’ll feel a sense of accomplishment that will keep you motivated.

6. Repeat the process

Take the money you were putting toward the smallest debt and roll it into the next smallest one. This is where the snowball really gains momentum.

7. Repeat as necessary

Keep repeating this process until all your debts are gone. As you pay off each debt, your snowball grows, and your motivation soars.

Why Choose the Debt Snowball Effect? 

There are a couple reasons to use the snowball effect to help with your debt:

1. Psychological boost

The snowball effect is like a cheerleader for your financial journey. Paying off the smallest debts quickly gives you a sense of accomplishment that fuels your motivation. When you start seeing those debts disappear, it’s like a motivation to keep going. 

2. Tangible progress

It provides a clear and visible sense of progress. Watching those debts disappear one by one is immensely satisfying. 

3. Stress reduction

As you knock off smaller debts, you have fewer monthly payments to worry about, reducing financial stress.

4. Flexibility

The snowball effect is flexible and adaptable to your financial situation. You can start with any debt size, and it works well for different income levels.

5. Financial freedom

Ultimately, the goal of the snowball effect is to achieve debt freedom. Once you’ve paid off all your debts, you’ll have more money to put towards your goals and dreams. 

The bottom line

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to managing debt, and the debt snowball effect is just one strategy of many.  

Let’s be real: like many people in this economy, you might just have too many snowballs to manage. But that’s ok! If you need extra help managing your debt reach out to us at Farber. With a free consultation, we’ll help you get back on track to financial freedom, snow or not. 


17th October 2023



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Although debt can be overwhelming, there are ways to start fresh and improve your relationship with money.