Banks and department stores are businesses, and many are extremely good at making it easier for their customers to spend money. That is why these organizations benefit when customers obtain additional credit cards for their family members, be it a spouse or child. These are known as Supplemental Cards or Joint Credit Cards.
Having multiple cards for the same account means more purchases for the company. Organizations sell the benefits of multiple cards by touting the benefits of an increased accumulation of reward points. They also sell us on the benefit of having one account but multiple users on the account also allows for a simple tracking of purchases made and a convenience for the family by having to manage only one account.
There are, however, potential complications to having multiple cards for the same account:
A Separation Agreement or Divorce Agreement sometimes indicates one spouse will be responsible for the balance due on the card. This agreement does not legally bind the bank or store and they have the right to pursue both spouses for the debts owed. Many ex-spouses are surprised to find they are still responsible for the full balance due if the other spouse fails to pay the debt off in a timely fashion.
We offer a powerful debt-relief solution that can significantly reduce your debt without the drawbacks of declaring bankruptcy.
Book a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation and together, we can make a plan to help regain control of your money.
Although debt can be overwhelming, there are ways to start fresh and improve your relationship with money.